Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 102 - Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! My first "big" holiday with the new face. Sadly it wasn't really that Halloween-y for me. :( I've had a busy day with appointments, class and homework. So while everyone is off wearing costumes and going to parties I'm in my dorm finishing a research paper. Not exactly festive, but I have my little pumpkins near me to keep me in the Halloween pun intended.

I had more physical therapy today and things are going really well. It's truly bizarre to have someone stick their fingers in your mouth and force it open, but it seem to be working so I won't argue. I'm opening 33mm now. That's definite progress. Part of the treatment involves re-training my posture, which means I get a neck and shoulder massage to try and get rid of all the knots so that I can stand properly. Awesome! The appointments are starting to pay off though as I'm gaining back strength and mobility in my jaw - double awesome.

Hopefully the rest of you have had a good Halloween! Be well, and keep on being awesome. :)

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