Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 103 - Ah, Sweet Relaxation

Hello all, it's the end of day 103 now and I've finally caught a break in the madness of midterm week. My papers are done and turned in, and I've got a week to study for my next exam. I'm definitely taking advantage of the quick break. Time to catch up on my sleep.

Jaw things were easy as pie today. Minimal swelling and no pain. Better yet the swelling on the right is starting to decrease to match the left, now, so things are looking more even. I'm not worried one way or another. I know it will all get sorted out in the end. The only thing left now is scar revision and scar tissue removal.

On that score I don't really know what's going on. I don't have a date for that yet so things are up in the air once again when it comes to making plans. As with this summer plans are made on the basis of "well it depends on when the surgery is..." On the plus side this procedure is only about an hour long with a week's healing time. It'll happen eventually, hopefully sooner rather than later.

I realize I haven't spoken much about exactly where I am at this point in healing. It's just that things seem to be so non-noteworthy that I forget to mention them. But, for posterity's sake, and in the name of informing others going through this process here's the run down. I still have hardware in my mouth, and that would be the four screws. As most people have braces throughout this process I'm not sure how it compares. I'm still in bands, too. Two going straight from upper jaw to lower jaw, and one going at a diagonal from bottom left to upper right. I still deviate to the left when I open, so the bands are to try and train my bite. Between the bands and the physical therapy this is improving and I'm confident that I should get back to some semblance of perfect. My mouth used to open up and wiggle all over the place, though, so I'm not really concerned about it. All of the bones are now fused (except for my chin which is just held on with plates) and now the only thing I need to do is wait for them to solidify and get strong again. What numbness I do have hasn't been much of an issue, and now the only parts yet to regain full sensation are my gums, chin, and between my nose and upper lip.

I'm pretty sure that covers everything, but if I think of anything else I promise to add it to my next post :)

I hope you all are doing well this evening. Until tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nora,

    Just wanted to say thanks for blogging everyday and giving so much info, it really is useful to all us pre-surgery people! You're looking great, so glad recovery is going well for you :) x
