Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 106 - Party Foul

Hello everyone, today is day 106 and I'm doing pretty well.

My jaw wasn't much of an issue today. Eating was pretty much totally normal, though I still find maneuvering the food in my mouth to be a bit difficult. It's probably because my side-to-side movement when chewing is still a bit off.

I tried going to a party today for the first time since surgery. I say tried because I failed miserably. It was so crowded, and I was constantly worried about getting elbowed in the face, so I had to leave. Oh well, at least I tried. Maybe I'll have more luck next time.

Other than that there isn't much that happened today worth mentioning. Tomorrow I'm taking a quick trip back home. I can't wait to have some home cooked food! The only downside of being able to eat anything is that I'm stuck with school food right now. And everyone know that nothing can come close what mom makes! :)

Be well everyone!

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