Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 56 - Getting The Hang of This Eating Thing

Hello all, it's day 56 now in my recovery. Yay!!!

Overall it's been a pretty quiet day on the jaw front, though I was able to open my mouth a hair more. Progress is progress!

Eating is also getting easier and easier. I look less monstrous in the process now, and I feel less alienated from my friends. Tonight was the first night I didn't mind eating in the dining hall in front of everyone. I managed to eat my pasta in a semi-normal manner. My friends and I were all so blown away by the normalcy of having all of us together for a meal again.

I haven't had any bad pain in my right joint either since that shot last week, and my rubber band configuration isn't causing any problems.

Slowly but surely, I'm getting back to normal. This process is so amazing! Be well everyone :)

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