Tuesday, June 21, 2011

You've got to be kidding me...

I don't know what to do. I'm almost in tears right now I'm so frustrated. Dr A contacted my family today to let us know that my asshead of and insurance company will only cover the lower jaw. That isn't going to fix the problem!!! If only my lower jaw is moved I'll be left with an underbite, still improperly aligned jaws and more problems than I started with! Dr A said he's going to fight the insurance company for coverage, but to be honest I've lost hope. Insurance companies are merciless. They don't give a rip that a girl is in pain and has been since she was 11 years old. They just want to hold on to their damn money like the greedy thieves that they are. It was the same trying to get them to cover my birth control, which I take for medical reasons, not so I can go sleep with whoever I want and not get pregnant. This is such crap! I'm sorry for the language but I am just beyond frustrated and upset right now. And, even if Dr A does win my case, which I doubt, by that time it'll be too late for me to have it this summer and I'll have to wait another whole year! If insurance doesn't cover this I can't get the surgery. The truth is that my family just doesn't have enough money for it. I really need this surgery and for that I need insurance to cooperate and help me out. I just want to curl up and cry right now.


  1. Try not to be too worked up about it, which I know is much easier said than done. I have read so many stories of people resubmitting their claim to insurance and it getting approved. It should only take a few weeks to get relooked at, so there could still be a chance that you would have surgery this summer. Don't lose hope girl :)

  2. Thanks Dani for the encouragement and optimism. I'm just worried because if this doesn't happen by the end of this month, or first week of July at the latest, I can't get the surgery. I go to school away from home so it has to happen over a summer break to allow proper healing before going back to school. Keeping my fingers crossed!
