Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 109 - Mondays, or the Joys of Communal Living

Hello all, it's day 109 now. The weather was gorgeous today, and in the name of appreciating the last nice days until spring, I spent most of it on my long board. Something about cruising around on wheels just feels perfect, and I'm so glad that I'm healed enough to feel confident and safe on my board again.

I also had more therapy, and she seems thrilled with my progress. I was a little alarmed at one point during the mobilization stretching when my jaw clicked, not because I worried she'd broken something, but because I hadn't heard a click like that for 109 days. The good news was that it was just the joint clicking as it regained some range of motion, and there was no pain, grinding or crunching. The therapist also gave me new exercises to help me open my mouth straight up and down, though I've already made serious progress on that front compared to when I started. Since I'm on a new gym regimen she also gave me ideas for things to do with the weights to further the benefits of my physical therapy. Overall I'm feeling good.

I had a brief moment of pinching soreness this evening, though I know that's just from the therapy. Other than that there weren't any problems with my jaw. Hooray!

My day did get a bit ruined though by my living situation. I live in a dormitory with a corridor set-up. That means showers shared with 20 other girls. Our cleaning ladies quit, and the showers have gotten to the point where I needed to travel to another building just to clean up after the gym. Ick! The joys of resident life...

Hopefully you all are well and in a place where you're bathroom doesn't make you want to run for the hills!

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see your progress! Physical therapy sounds a bit frightening, but I'm glad to hear it's been relatively painless and beneficial. Thank you for updating so often, and I wish you the best of luck with your shower situation!
