Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 87 - A Calm Sunday

Hello jaw bloggers! It's day 87 now, and I'm feeling good. The weekend is over and tomorrow bring a new school week and more school work. I've made a mental note to do everything in tiny bits and pieces, rather than hide from the big assignment looming over me. It seems to work out better in the end.

My jaw hasn't given my much to share with everyone other than the fact that it's still a bit puffy. I still want Dr A to do an x-ray next time I see him. I'm sure everything is probably fine, but as the puffy face started the day after a really restless sleep, I want to make sure that I didn't throw anything out of place. Does anything look different to you guys compared to about a week ago? I think the x-ray would just help with my piece of mind. Other than that there isn't anything noticeably different in terms of numbness or pain. I'm also going to ask him about the night time clicking. My jaw doesn't click from me trying to make it, but rather it clicks whenever my face relaxes when I'm on my side. It's hard to explain.

I have another physical therapy appointment tomorrow, and I'm curious to see what the therapist is going to do. The exercises she's given me are definitely helping, though I have noticed one bad thing. Now that I can open my mouth a bit wider, I've noticed another band of scar tissue that I think Dr A is going to have to cut. Thank goodness that the process is painless, but I still hate having it done.  Oh well, at least it's evidence that I'm gaining back mobility!

I hope the rest of you are doing well! Until my next post, then. :)

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