Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 72 - Oktoberfest

Day 72 now everyone. How is is that 72 days have gone by? Sometimes it seems like another lifetime and other times it seems like it was just last week that I had surgery. Time is definitely a strange entity to say the least.

Not much to report today on the healing front. Swelling and numbness are basically unchanged as is mobility. I really don't think I'll be able to open wider until I have more scar tissue cut. We'll see though; I get back to school tomorrow night so Monday I'll go to the physical therapy place. I've been such a good patient this whole time on all fronts except that. I need to fix that because mobility is definitely an important part of recovery.

When I lay down to sleep I notice that my left joint occasionally pops in and out of place. At least I think that's what it's doing. Has anyone else experienced this? It doesn't hurt and nothing looks out of place but it is a bit disconcerting.

Today was yet another good one in my vacation to the Adirondacks. Whiteface Mountain was hosting its annual Oktoberfest. As it's my sister's 21st birthday on Monday our attendance was to be expected. It was great. The music was fun and the people were friendly. I even got a super cool hat made of alpaca. And let me tell you - it was totally necessary. It was so COLD! I think the weather said it was 43 degrees Fahrenheit and it was windy and wet. My poor little face was so chilly. Particularly under my nose where most of the plates are. Bitter cold on the 1st of October. Oh well, it was fun anyway. :)

Hopefully the rest of you are warm and well! I've finally put up pictures for the past couple of days. They aren't very flattering but please remember that they've been snapped after a day of vacation fun.

I promise it's water! I honestly hate beer but I thought that the holder was cool so I filled the bottle with water. Hehehe


  1. I've always wondered how the cold feels post surgery with the plates and all. I was considering getting the surgery sooner but we sometimes have temperatures of -30C so I'm questioning whether this is a good idea lol.
    You look so good!! I love your profile! I really like the way your nose looks! I noticed my nose has turned downward since my jaws went crazy on me and I'm wondering if your nose turned up at all from the surgery?
    I love your updates!
    P.s. I'm totally with you on the beer, I hate the taste of it.

  2. Terra thank you so much for the compliment :) I'm starting to feel better about the way I look and I'm very happy with how things are turning out.

    The cold isn't too bad. It's not painful or anything, I just think I'm more sensitive to the wind on my face now. It gets a bit colder a bit faster, but nothing horrible.

    My nose did turn up a bit after surgery, but this is because my surgeon put in a special stitch. I don't know how noses are affected without said stitch, though they do change somewhat. My guess is yours will turn up since you said it only started to turn down after your jaws went wonky.

    I hope this helps, and thank you so much for your following and support through this process!

  3. Nora, you look so awesome! I have been reading your updates although I haven't had the opportunity to respond because I've been slammed at work. But I have been glad to see your posts and so happy that your recovery is going smoothly.

    Take care!
